








宋述林 杨扬





开馆时间:周二-周日 9:00-17:00





作品名称:境| Jing

作者:毕帅帝 Bi Shuaidi

指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin

材质:绢本水墨 Ink and color on paper

创作时间:2022 年


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings


创作说明该作品营造的 “境”在虚实之间。随着时间流逝,中国山水画的理念、传承、技法以及评价体系不断推陈出新,“境”也被历史赋予了“境界”、“心境” 等新的含义。作者意在通过对画面虚实关系的处理来表达自身对山水意境的体会。与纸本不同,绢本在材质上更透、更细腻,更易于表现水墨的流动特性,在表现云、水、雾气的涌动与澎湃方面有独到的优势。这张作品利用绢本的特质,通过笔墨的虛、实变幻营造了一种理想之境。


The“Jing”(namely“environment”in Chinese)created by this work is between virtuality and reality. With the passage of time, the concept,inheritance, techniques and evaluation system of Chinese ink wash painting have continued to evolve. Jing, thereby, has been given new meanings such as“a philosophical state” and“state of mind" by history. The author' s in tentionis to express his understanding of Jing through.his treatment of virtuality and reality. Unlike paper, silk boasts a more transparent and delicate material, which makes it easier to express the flowing nature of Chinese ink. Besides, it also has a unique advantage in expressing the surge of clouds and fog as well as the flow of waters.By making use of those qualities of silk, the author portrayed an ideal Jing through different shades of black ink.



作品名称:孔子见老子公共空间灯光艺术装置| "Confucius MeetsLaozi" Lighting Art Installation In Public Space

作者:刘威 Liu Wei

指导教师:袁硕 Yuan Shuo

媒材:亚克力 光纤 塑料 Acrylic, Optical Fiber, Plastic

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日


研究领域:灯光装置 公共空间 Lighting Installation Public Space




Based on the cultural foundation of "Confucius meets Laozi", the visual language is used to present the ideological integration and cultural integration reflected by Confucius meets Laozi, and the event of "Confucius meets Laozi" is presented as a thought-provoking light art installation that adds color to the public space through matrix. The lighting installation of "Confucius Meets Laozi" is divided into three parts. The first part is the essence of "Goodness is like water", which shows the abstract form of water through light fiber to show that goodness moistens everything like water. The second part is about benevolence and righteousness, which is expressed by Confucius and Laozi in the concrete image of optical fiber matrix. The third part is the way of heaven. The way of heaven is abstractly represented by the vertical and well-arranged matrix of light points. The visual image of the universe is used to reflect the vast and ethereal nature of the way as deep as the sea from the color change of light source.


Title: Synaptic Brush

NameJulie Henneberg朱莉·亨内伯格

Medium: Acrylic Paint 丙烯

Date of Completion: March 2021

Size: 40in × 30in

Area of Study : Painting 绘画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

My work explores concepts of life cycles, growth and development, and stability versus mutability, which can be applied to the universals of the human experience. I find it useful to express these themes in juxtaposition with basic, even mundane elements of the natural world in order to highlight their pervasiveness in our lives. By portraying human and natural forms morphing together as they exist parallel to one another, a transfiguration occurs wherein they can be understood as one and the same. This piece explores the development of organisms and highlights the systems of the brain that allow us to move through life.




Title: Rising Between The Waters |水涨船高

Name:Julie Henneberg 朱莉·亨内伯格

Medium: Acrylic paint 丙烯

Date of Completion: November 2021

Size: 24in x 48in

Area of Study: Painting 绘画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

My work explores concepts of life cycles, growth and development, and stability versus mutability, which can be applied to the universals of the human experience. I find it useful to express these themes in juxtaposition with basic, even mundane elements of the natural world in order to highlight their pervasiveness in our lives. By portraying human and natural forms morphing together as they exist parallel to one another, a transfiguration occurs wherein they can be understood as one and the same. Through this work, I highlight the trials, both of nature and of the human experience, an individual must master in order to thrive during their lifetime.







作品名称:文殊变| The Change Of Manjusri bodhisattva

作者:苏菲Su Fei

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings


书体为隶楷相间,内容为:“尔时文殊师利白佛言 师尊 我观正法 无为无相 无得无利 无生无灭 无来无去 无知者 无见者 无作者 不见般若波罗蜜 亦不见般若波罗蜜境界 苏菲临。”工笔画为敦煌莫高窟第 159 窟壁画文殊变。


Excerpts from Manjusri Sutra in chancery script and regular script;referred to the Manjusri on Cave 159 of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes.


作品名称:楷书满江红| A poem from Yue Fei

作者:贾潇 Jia Xiao

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 Paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 20 日 April 20,2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy


满江红·写怀 北宋 岳飞 怒发冲冠,凭栏处,潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天阙!


Hair on end and shoving my hat,In wrath I lean on th’ balustrade,While th’ rain leaves off its pitter-pat.Eyes fixed skyward, I sign long and loud.A hero’s fury fills my breast.At thirsty, nothing achieved, unknown,—but these to me are light as dust—I’ve fought through eight-thousand li.Holding the field, under cloud and moon.What I do mind, is not to let.My young head turn white in vain,And be gnawed by empty sorrow then.With the Jingkang Humiliation yet Unavenged, unredressed,How can a subject’s grievance be Ever effaced from memory ? I’ll send war-chariots rough-shod Through the gorges of Mt. Helan ; To quench my thirst, I’d drink the blood Of Huns, while laugh and chat I can; Heroic minded, to satiate hunger,I would make Tartars‘flesh my fare.’Til our lost land is all retrieved,Then to the Imperial Palace, there I’ll make obeisance, relieved!


作品名称:观瀑图| View of the waterfall

作者:李浩 Li Hao

指导教师:石以品 Shi Yipin

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 1 日 April 1, 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




A painting with a combination of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting elements about waterfalls. There are two literati in the painting standing separately and viewing the waterfall, and the painting reflects the Chinese literati's pursuit of closeness to nature.


作品名称:沁园春·| Qinyuanchun - Snow

作者:靳方林Gin Fanglin

指导教师:李峰 Li Feng

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




“Qinyuanchun - Snow” is a famous poem by Mao Zedong. The style of the work is regular script, with a regular layout, varied lines, and a smooth and delicate brushwork, which is a natural and honest style, clear and elegant.


作品名称:岁华纪胜图| Ages And Mountains

作者:吴姗姗 Wu Shanshan

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 8 日 March 8, 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The composition of this work goes with a scatter perspective, which is one of the typical features of Chinese landscape paintings. From looking up and down, far and close, the work shows a realm of "thousands of miles at a distance". It can be divided into three parts. The first part is a close shot, which is also the part with the most brush strokes. It mainly describes people's daily life. The second part is the nearby mountains with blue-green colors, and the third part isthe distant mountains with light ink, which makes the whole work more spatial.


作品名称:梁甫行| Cao ZhiLiang Fuxing

作者:孙梦蝶 Sun Mengdie

指导教师:王志勇 Wang Zhiyong

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 March , 2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




This work is in seal script. The content is selected from “Liang Fuxing”, a poem by Cao Zhi. The scale is six feet apart. In terms of composition, it pursues “iron line seal script”. It is created with the combination of brush strokes and structures of iron line seal script. The strokes of characters are slightly rounded and pressed, representing a kind of symmetrical lines, and created an atmosphere of elegant and gentle.


作品名称:将进酒| A poem fom Li Bai

作者:赵丽倩Zhao Liqian

指导教师:高远 Gao Yuan

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April ,2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




This work is in chancery script, excerpted from one of the famous work of Tang poet Li Bai. This poem has deep ideological content and very mature art is tic performance. The poet drinks heavily and sings loudly with his friends, using wine to relieve his worries, and expresses his deep feelings of life.


作品名称:工笔花鸟画| Fine brushwork flower and bird painting

作者:郑诗柔Chen Zhangyi

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ying

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 2 月 4 日 February 4,2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




This work is expressed by drawing on the brushwork and painting techniques of the flower and bird paintings of the Song Dynasty. Although I was influenced by the traditional ideas of Chinese painting, especially the flower and bird paintings of the Song Dynasty, I also have my own understanding of the subject expression and the means of conception in this work, and I hope topresent such an art form in a more innovative way


作品名称:层岩幽壑图| Layered Rocks and Valleys

作者:魏蓝Wei Lan

指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April , 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The subject of the work is traditional Chinese ink and wash landscape painting, with light ocher color, overlapping mountains, and winding mountain roads from bottom to top, intending to express the fascinating artistic conception of Chinese landscapes.


作品名称:拿百合花的少女| View of the waterfall

作者:李融雪Li Rongxue

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April , 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The inspiration was derived from a picture on which a girl holds lilies. I picked contrast colors like blue and orange but created an atmosphere of harmony, so that the work represents a strong visual impact. I dyed the skin of the figure with light colors to achieve a delicate effect. Finally, the composition of my work shows a rather spatial extension by adding backrest and chair elements.



作品名称:工笔人物画| Goddess Of The Luo River

作者:丁佳璇Ding Jiaxuan

指导教师:王志勇 Wang Zhiyong

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 1 日 April 1, 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The inspiration derived from a famous ancient article which describes the beauty of Goddess of Luo River as follow: ”Her body soars lightly like a startled swan. Gracefully, like a dragon in flight."


作品名称:篆书·新绛贴·节选| Seal script ·New Jiangtie· Excerpt

作者:魏玮Wei Wei

指导教师:石以品 Shi Yipin

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 1 日 March 1,2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




The work is of seal script, and the content is Seal script • New Jiangtie • Excerpt.



作品名称:望岳| Mount Tai

作者:胡昊然 Hu Haoran

指导教师:王志勇 Wang Zhiyong

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 10 日 April 10, 2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




By depicting the majestic scene of Mount Tai, the poet warmly praises the towering momentum and magical and beautiful scenery of Mount Tai, reveals his love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland, and expresses his ambition and spirit of facing difficulties, reaching the peak and overlooking everything. The first two sentences describe the vast of mountain range; then the magnificent view of Mountain Tai with the peaks and clouds.



作品名称:城隍| Chengpeng

作者:张玉鹏Zhang Yupeng

指导教师:高远 Gao Yuan

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 10 日 April 10,2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




The style of characters derived from Li Yangbing who was one of the greatest calligraphers in Tang dynasty. The content mainly describes the sacrificial rites of city Gods “Chenghuang”. This ancient local custom has been inherited till now, and usually be used to pray for rains.



作品名称:陋室铭| An Eulogium On A Humble Cell

作者:王婉颖Wang Wanying

指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin

材质:纸本 Paper scroll

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April ,2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




An ancient article in seal script. The author who wrote it expressed his spirits of dwelling in modest lifestyle and being secluded from the busy world.



作品名称:走进敦煌| Dunhuang

作者:梁悦Liang Yue

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 30 日 March 30,2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings


作品创作灵感来自于敦煌壁画 45 窟,第 45窟推测建于盛唐,位于莫高窟南区中断下层。作品中两位菩萨姿态相反,作微微垂眸之态。作品是在熟宣纸上加以敦煌土覆盖从而产生壁画的效果,色设由中国画传统矿物研磨分染而成,部分做旧采用了银箔和铜箔使作品更具色彩光泽。


The inspiration of the work comes from cave No. 45 of Dunhuang Grotto. Two Bodhisattvas are posing oppositely, with their eyes slightly lowered. The surface of this work covered with Dunhuang soil on sized paper firstly in order to imitate mural. Then traditional Chinese mineral pigments were applied on it, as well as silver and copper foils were glued on, and represent an atmosphere of multicolored and bright.


作品名称:只此青绿| Only The Green

作者:张文秀Zhang Wenxiu

指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April , 2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The inspiration derived from a dance in the Spring Festival Gala named "Only this Green" which adapted from a great ancient Chinese painting “A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains". This work personifies the green scenery in the painter’s eyes and reproduces the elegant, graceful dance steps of dancers.

作品名称:满江红| Man Jiang Hong

作者:焦睿Jiao Rui

指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 15 日 March 15, 2022


作品分类:书法 calligraphy




Calligraphy in seal script refers to a poem of Yue Fei who lived in South Song Dynasty. He wrote a letter to a friend with this poem in it and commented historical events and contemporary issues. The whole poem represents their deep friendship and the author’s frustration towards the reality

作品名称:静姝| Stillness and peace

作者:梁乐Liang Le

指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin

材质:纸本 paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 28 日 March 28,2022


作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings




The work depicts a picture of a woman quietly admiring the lotus, highlighting the "purity" of the lotus coming out of the mud without staining, and the "stillness" of the woman's state of mind. The ripples of water and the fishshapedpatternonthe sleeves of the women's sleeves represent the harmony between movement and stillness. The work expresses the pure mind spirits of Zen.



作品名称:太平大米| Taiping Rice Visual Image Innovation Design

作者:刘梅雪Liu Meixue

指导教师:马洪骥 Ma Hongji

媒材:亚克力 真空塑料袋等 Acrylic Vacuum Plastic Bags, Etc

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 18 日 March 18, 2022


研究领域:品牌形象设计 Brand Image Design




Design mainly through rice form abstract deformation developed flat abstract language, praises by simple river bank Mongolia rice in combining with the spirit and peace, create a unique "has a good food from the river bank Mongolia", the "food industry from the river bank Mongolia a skillful craftsman", the "good food from the river bank Mongolia founder" three series with emotion, make consumers produce emotional resonance, enhance brand visual expression, Build regional brands.


作品名称:论博物馆文创产品的开发与利用以孔子博物馆为例| On the Development and Utilization of Cultural and Creative Products in Museums—Taking Confucius Museum as an Example

作者:段晓娜Duan Xiaona

指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun

媒材:棉质面料 胶版印刷 陶瓷 金属 Cotton fabric, Offset printing, Ceramic, Metal

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022


研究领域:文化创意产品 Cultural and Creative Products




Design graphic one is a graphic designed by extracting and decomposing the graphic structure of the black bird shape that appears in many places in the Confucius Museum; graphic two is obtained by extracting the wing shape of the black bird pattern, which implies protection, freedom, and belief, giving people a mentality and a desire for freedom. Unconstrained thinking; Figure 3 is based on the twelve characters of Confucius and famous sayings and aphorisms, and the fonts are extracted for creative application. The author integrates the extracted cultural symbols into cultural and creative products, and arouses the emotional resonance of consumers as perceptual products.

作品名称:拾夷山东阳谷特色文旅品牌设计研究| Shiyi—Shandong Yanggu Characteristic

作者:王泽丰Wang Zefeng

指导教师:蓝天娇 Lan Tianjiao

媒材:胶版印刷 Offset Printing

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022


研究领域:品牌设计 Brand Design




With the rapid development of tour industry in our country, the tourist started to pay attention to the construction of the text brigade brand, this design with the shandong yanggu county as an example, in the perspective of tourists, by integrating yanggu county of historic buildings,traditional culture and cultural advantages and resources, and refined, choose the typical culture and building and brand integration, Create a cultural tourism brand image with yanggu's distinctive characteristics and characteristics of The Times, give tourists a new feeling in the visual and experience, give play to the significant potential of the brand, further show the charm of Yanggu, enhance visibility, and gain advantages in the increasingly fierce competition in the cultural tourism industry.


作品名称:孔孟文化灯光图形设计| Confucius and Mencius Cultural Lighting Graphic Design

作者:李歆昱Li Xinyu

指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun

媒材:亚克力 丝网印刷 木材 Acrylic, Silk Screen Printing,Wood

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 19 日 March 19, 2022


研究领域:产品设计 Production Design




In this design, I chose the most representative of Confucius and Mencius culture "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith" to design and create this lighting design products."Ren" stands for "good benevolence, not yet, evil benevolence, it is ren yi"."Righteousness" means "the gentleman is compared to righteousness, while the villain is compared to profit"."Li" means "respect is closer to politeness, far from shame"."Zhi" represents "the wise enjoy water, benevolence leshan; The wise are active, the virtuous are quiet, the wise are happy, and the virtuous live ","Xin" represents "a gentleman is not heavy, not powerful, learning is not solid. Each theme is the top priority in the Culture of Confucius and Mencius, even if it is a single Chinese character, but it can express thousands of words. Adhering to the "light connotation, shadow above extension" design concept, adopted according to the structure characteristics and the main body of theme design center for lighting, external use wooden sculpture technology, a large number of using the technique such as "inside outside light through" of the relationship between light and shade, perspective, the shaping of the spatial relationships, we designed the Confucius culture theme designs with words carved on the wood, It is more elegant, and strives to achieve the theme is bright and interesting,and is committed to designing a set of lamps and lanterns thatrepresents the Confucian culture.


作品名称:孔府糕点包装设计| Kong Fu Pastry Packaging Design

作者:赵朝臣Zhao Chaochen

指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun

媒材:纸板 胶版印刷 Screen,Offset Printing

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 18 日 March 18,2022


研究领域:包装设计 Brand Image Design


此设计以孔子文化为主线的包装设计,建立 “朝圣”品牌,设计儒家文化特色包装结构。“朝圣”糕点的包装结构遵循功能及形式的设计原则。“朝圣”将中国传统美学与现代设计相融合,将礼盒的整体结构采用孔府建筑为外观设计出发点,顶部开窗式结构设计放入糕点使用餐具。正面采用了传统大门的形式,门中间采用一个圆形开窗,凸显出中国传统文化天圆地方的美好寓意。打开包装盒,在盒子的侧面用了类似抽屉的造型,打开包装盒直接映入眼帘的是一个四层立体插画和背景空间的通景效果图,故事内容是孔子讲学,把传统的孔子讲学运用通景画的方式巧妙用于当代包装设计,传承传统东方美学的同时,使画面具有时尚的艺术特点。包装盒打开的侧面分别有两扇窗,这两扇窗分别都可以向下打开,这样即提高了与消费者的互动增加了趣味性,也增加了产品的神秘感。


"Lu Xue set content" brand, "namely" Qilu area(Shandong province), and "learning" is refers to the outstanding traditional culture, the word "learning" as the name implies, namely in qilu area outstanding traditional culture, covered in addition to the familiar here in Shandong province intangible, and integrated into the modern fashion culture. "Lu Xue set content" to build a strong culture container, the excellent traditional culture and the emerging culture of Shandong province orderly, have the combination together, according to the article "food art" four basic module framework to build, will have a basic classification of Qilu culture and make the orderly column, can make more clear and direct understanding of the excellent culture of Qilu area

作品名称:潍坊杨家埠木板年画现代设计研究| "Yang Ji" New Year Paintings Poker

作者:姚立祥Yao Lixiang

指导教师:江伊诺 Jiang Yinuo

材质:铜版纸 黑芯纸 Coated Paper,Black Core Paper

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 2 日 March 2,2022


研究领域:文创设计 Cultural Creative Design




This design adopts the way of combining traditional Chinese New Year pictures with poker, and takes weifang Yangjiabu Wood New Year pictures as inspiration. Weifang Yangjiabu New Year wood-plank paintings have a history of hundreds of years, which is a historical resource of traditional Chinese painting art. Every playing card has elements of New Year pictures with auspicious meanings.Such as door god Qin Qiong, Jingde, lucky star, lu Star and longevity, as well as by auspicious clouds, flowers, etc., drawn into the four poker colors.The design pays attention to the color collocation in the picture, carries on the vectorization processing and design to the traditional wood-block New Year pictures, and develops the innovative value and aesthetic value of Weifang Yangjiabu wood-block New Year pictures. The combination of Yangjiabu New Year wood-plank pictures and poker will effectively enhance the cultural value, artistic value and entertainment of Yangjiabu New Year wood-plank pictures.


作品名称:基于快节奏生活下心理效应引导的视觉设计研究| Research On Visual Design Guided By"Psychological Effect" In Fast-Paced Life

作者:石林Shi Lin

指导教师:郎雯 Lang Wen

媒材:动画 胶版印刷 Animation,Offset printing

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022


研究领域:视觉系统设计 Visual Identity System Design


本设计通过视觉引导的表达方式,解决人们因为对于自己心理效应不明确所导致的消极行为,此次设计选用了三种人们在日常生活中经常遇到但却往往忽视的三种心理效应,分别为“习惯性无助效应”“破窗效应”“瓦伦达效应”采用卡通动物 IP 形象设计、动态视觉设计、图表设计普及心理效应相关知识并与现实相结合,引起人们的重视,并拓展相应产品周边,使人们可以在潜移默化中改善自己的心理效应状态。


This design uses visual guidance to solve people's negative behaviors caused by their unclear psychological effects. This design selects three kinds of psychological effects that people often encounter in daily life but often ignore."Habitual helplessness effect", "broken window effect" and "Wallenda Effect"The use of cartoon animal IP image design, dynamic visual design, graphic design to popularize psychological effect related knowledge and combined with the reality, attract people's attention, and expand the corresponding product peripheral, so that people can improve their psychological effect state in a subtle way

作品名称:多肉联盟多肉植物品牌设计与应用研究| Fleshy Alliance

作者:王凤姣Wang Fengjiao

指导教师:蓝天娇 Jia Hongyun

媒材:PVC丝网印刷油画布 PVC,Screen Printing, Oil Canvas

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12, 2022


研究领域:品牌设计 Brand Design




With the "succulent Union" brand as the intervention point, combined with the appearance characteristics ofsucculent plants as creative inspiration, brand and application design research, coruscating brand vitality, become consumers willing to accept the brand. "Meaty Alliance" to create a young, energetic, personalized brandatmosphere;Focusing on the fleshy element image and visual trend vision,magnifying the brand's significant mark and style, the design is carried out from the brand image of fleshy plants which is seriously homogenized and displayed through the application part, in order to reflect the brand value.

作品名称:《锦衣舍》舞台服装租赁平台整体视觉设计| The Overall Visual Design Of Stage Clothing Rental Platform ForJinyi House

作者:孙超Sun Chao

指导教师:蓝天娇 Lan Tianjiao

材质:亚克力 丝网印刷 胶版印刷 Acrylic, Screen Printing, Offset Printing

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022

尺寸:9×6 50×50

研究领域:UI、IP 文创设计 UI, IP Cultural Design


该舞台服装租赁 app 平台风格力求简约、便捷、年轻化的风格入手,将注重体验者的交互融入到设计中去,能够通过与体验者的交互和视觉设计来吸引消费者,引导消费者通过租赁的方式来满足消费者对于生活上的需求。整体的设计基调活泼、畅快,结构内容层次丰富明确,符合当代年轻化的审美,满足人们对于舞台服装的需求。


The style of the stage clothing rental app platform strives to be simple, convenient and youthful, and focuses on integrating the interaction of experiencers into the design. It can attract consumers through interaction and visual design with experiencers,and guide consumers to meet their needs for life through leasing.The overall design tone is lively and carefree, and the structure content level is rich and clear, which accords with the contemporary youth aesthetic and meets people's demand for stage clothing.


作品名称:二十四节气主题幼儿园毕业伴手礼设计| 24 Solar Term Theme Children Graduation With Hand Gift Design

作者:刘文新Liu Wenxin

指导教师:吴春华 Wu Chunhua

媒材:胶版印刷 棉质面料 Offset Printing, Cotton Material

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 15 日 March 15,2022


研究领域:插画设计 Illustration Design




This design with "twenty-four solar terms in early childhood education" as the research foundation, the twenty-four solar terms paintings illustrations in children's favorite way, and to set its derivatives as a kindergarten graduation, to boost the children understanding of twentyfour solar terms, and guide children to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture heritage in our country, make the children know the true meaning of man and nature live in harmony, Enhance the enthusiasm of children to learn traditional Chinese culture knowledge, promote the overall development of children in early childhood.

作品名称:龙灯扛阁拼图设计| Puzzle Design Of "Dragon Lantern Carrying Pavilion"

作者:李龙Li Long

指导教师:马洪骥 Ma Hongji

媒材:厚纸板 亚克力 帆布 Cardboard, Acrylic, Canvas

创作日期:2022 年 4 月 12 日 April 12,2022


研究领域:视觉形象设计 Visual Image Design


山东省临沂市三官庙地区的龙灯扛阁在 2010 年被列入“非遗”。在“龙灯扛阁”自身所特有的颜色中 加入王希孟《千里江山图》的配色,二者相互融合于“山海之间”的构思中,二者同为中华民族优秀的文化传承,将两者结合起来,使“龙灯扛阁”再次进发活力。针对不同于儿童设计出不同难易的产品,阶梯式开发儿童智力。


The Dragon Lantern Pavilion in Sanguanmiao area of Linyi City, Shandong Province, was listed as an intangible cultural heritage in 2010. The unique color of "Dragon Lantern carrying a Pavilion" is added with the color matching of Wang Ximeng's "A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains". The two are integrated into the idea of "between mountains and sea". Both are excellent cultural inheritance of the Chinese nation. Design different products with different difficulty for children and develop children's intelligence step by step.


作品名称:河东区绿色城市视觉形象设计| Hedong District Green City Visual Image Design

作者:王晓宇Wang Xiaoyu

指导教师:马洪骥 Ma Hongji

材质:亚克力 棉质面料 丝网印刷 胶版印刷注塑等 Acrylic, Cotton Fabric, Screen Printing, Offset Printing,Injection Molding

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022


研究领域:视觉系统设计 Visual Image Design




Hedong District is named after the river, and its urban ecological civilization construction is in the forefront. Yihe River, as an important symbol of Hedong District, is of great significance to show the image and cultural inheritance of hedong ecological city. This design hedong district culture, ecology, fully integrated into the history, from the lack of urban cultural phenomenon, with the green concept as the guide, establish city hedong characteristics of visual image, from office applications, city advertising, public facilities, such as advertising system for application design elements, makes every effort to promote the development of ecology, city imagedesign urban ecological balance maintenance, Continue the cultural characteristics of the city.


作品名称:记情绪系列海报设计| Remember The "Epidemic" Mood

作者:费文涵Fei Wenhan

指导教师:崔敬 Cui Jing

媒材:胶版印刷 丝网印刷 Offset Printing,Screen Printing

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 20 日 March 20,2022


研究领域:招贴设计 Poster Design




Based on the theoretical knowledge of art therapy and visual therapy, this design visualizes the psychological problems of people under the epidemic situation. Based on the five emotional states of anger, anxiety, depression, autism and optimism, this work expresses the development process of people's psychological state during the epidemic, from negative emotions to full of hope for the future. The five emotions design will be transformed into visual graphics for presentation, advocating people to release their pressure through artistic creation, pointing out a new way to treat psychological problems, so as to arouse people'sattention and thinking.

作品名称:城市漂移滑板品牌设计| RDR Skateboard Brand

作者:张振南Zhang Zhennan

指导教师:崔敬 Cui Jing

材质:综合材料 Composite Materials

创作时间:2022 年 3 月 20 日 March 20,2022


研究领域:品牌设计 Brand Design


在提倡建设多元化、包容性城市的今天,人们需要重新思考城市空间规划的定位。滑板是基于城市产生的一项新兴运动,这项运动与文化产业紧密相连,并且其中的诸多运动方式使这项运动在打破现有城市空间僵化现状的研究中具有参考意义。品牌设计“RDR” 将诠释滑板文化在城市空间内的表达以及向观众传递为固态化城市带来乐趣的理念。


Nowadays, people need to rethink the positioning of urban spatial planning when the construction of diversified and inclusive cities is advocated. Skateboarding is an emerging sport based on the city, which is closely connected with the cultural industry, and many sports modes make this sport have reference significance in the study of breaking the existing rigid status of urban space. The brand design "RDR" will explain the expression of skateboarding culture in the urban space and convey to the audience the concept of bringing fun to the solid city.

作品名称:关注适龄青年恐婚族形象视觉设计| One Companion

作者:孙潇益Sun Xiaoyi

指导教师:郎雯 Lang Wen

材质:厚纸板 铜版纸 白卡纸 压凹 胶版印刷亚克力等 Cardboard, Coated Paper, White Cardboard, Concave, Offset Printing, Acrylic

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 20 日 April 20,2022


研究领域:书籍设计 Books Design




The left and right volumes of the book are male and female directions respectively. The male direction opens and closes on the right side of the book, while the female direction opens and closes on the left side. They respectively tell the story of men and women facing the pressure and fear from all aspects of the unknown marriage life. When the two books are read separately, they become separate books, but when the left and right books are read together, they become one book. When the two volumes are read alone, the boy and the girl in the illustration are facing all their troubles alone. However, when the two volumes are put together, a beautiful and harmonious picture emerges, in which the boy and the girl supportand depend on each other.

作品名称:山东临沂彩印花布纹样的再生设计| Regeneration Design Of Linyi Color Printed Fabric Pattern

作者:李文文Li Wen

指导教师:马洪骥 Ma Hongji

材质:棉质面料 丝网印刷 Cotton Fabric, Screen Printing

创作时间:2022 年 4 月 3 日 April 3,2022


研究领域:文创设计 Cultural Creative Design




Design creation should continue to retain and inherit, at the same time the style should be fashion elements, in line with the aesthetic characteristics of contemporary people. Located in design style, choose color printing center of fabric design,design and restructuring, keep the original colour collocation and good moral, on the basis of combining the current epidemic prevention and control of hot issues, hope that the outbreak of severe bring to people's life under the premise of panic, can use color printing cloth itself possesses auspicious meaning then the author in the design, Then relieve people's nervous mood. Make the auspicious and beautiful meaning appear in the public's vision in a new form.

作品名称:研桑系列插画设计研究| Mulberry Cultural Illustration

作者:邵文曦Shao Wenxi

指导教师:马熙逵 Ma Xikui

媒材:亚力克 Acrylic

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022


研究领域:插画设计 Illustration Design




Mulberry culture in China has a long history. About five thousand years ago, there were ancestors planting mulberry trees on the land of China. This design starts from China's excellent traditional agricultural culture, combines modern illustration design forms, analyzes mulberry cultural symbols and related artistic features, deeply excavates and summarizes the traditional cultural resources of Xia Jin, Texas, extracts regional elements for redesign, and fully integrates mulberry cultural elements with modern visual illustration design. Create more in line with the public aesthetic needs and high value-added series of visual design. Aims to heritage protection Xia Jin mulberry culture original cultural implication, explore the crossover design form and field to broaden, to arouse people to the attention of the traditional agricultural culture, and cultural heritage provides new ideas for other traditional agriculture art, with modern derivatives to enrich Xia Jin culture of sustainable development, specific design provides a theoretical basis for the future.

作品名称:鲁西六城旅游文化IP形象设计| Luxi Six Cities IP Image

作者:李君瑶Li Junyao

指导教师:马熙逵 Ma Xikui

媒材:亚克力 Acrylic

创作日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12, 2022


研究领域:IP文创设计 IP Cultural Design


鲁西地区拥有着丰厚的人文历史和极具特色的地域文化,以聊城、德州、济宁、临沂、菏泽、枣庄为代表的六座城市既拥有着共性的文化习俗又呈现出各 自个性化的城市特征,在新旧动能转化与弘扬传统优秀文化的时代背景下,基于其地域性的旅游文化内涵挖掘与现代价值转化有着良好的社会意义与文化价值。根据前期实地调研,以及对成功案例的分析进行创作,通过以人物为主体的模式来创作 IP 形象,设计表现内容主要是“传统民俗”与“现代艺术”的结合与再设计。基于对鲁西六城旅游文化的促进,IP 形象设计从构图、造型、颜色,再到性格、特点等方面紧扣地域特色与时代主题,进行大胆尝试与形象创新,结合现代大众审美需求,探寻鲁西六城 IP 形象设计的经济价值转化,促进地区旅游文化发展同时造福当地经济。


Western Shandong has rich cultural history and distinctive regional culture. The six cities represented by Liaocheng, Dezhou, Jining, Linyi, Heze and Zaozhuang not only share common cultural customs but also present their own personalized urban characteristics. Under the background of the transformation of old and new driving forces and the promotion of traditional excellent culture, Based on its regional tourism cultural connotation mining and modern value transformation has good social significance and cultural value. Based on preliminary field research and analysis of successful cases, IP images are created by taking characters as the main model. The design content is mainly the combination and redesign of "traditional folk custom" and "modern art". Six city culture tourism, based on the regulation of IP from the composition, shape, color, image design to the personality and characteristics of regional characteristic and era theme, image of bold attempt and innovation, combined with modern aesthetic demand, exploring the economic value of Luxi IP six city image design transformation, promote the development of regional tourism culture benefits the local economy at the same time.

Title: Oil Spill |石油泄漏

Name:Anna Castellani 安娜·卡斯特拉尼

Medium: Acrylic Paint 丙烯

Date of Completion: 2020

Size: 18in x 24in

Area of Study: Painting 绘画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

My work is meant to encourage self awareness . How do the choices we make impact urgent and worldwide issues ? For me , art goes beyond attractiveness , it is a tool and can be used to make positive change . The materials used as well as the concept portrayed has the power to impact an individual and simulate empathy . It is a form of activism that can help create a better version of ourselves , teach others to do better and shape a better world in which we all live Art can inspire viewers and creators alike to work towards a more compassionate existence involving animals , humans and the environment we all occupy .



Title: New Fish in the Sea |海底的新鱼

Name:Anna Castellani 安娜·卡斯特拉尼

Medium: Needle Felting 针状毡缩

Date of Completion: Fall 2021

Size: 7.5in x 11in

Area of Study: Fibers 纤维织物

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

My work explores concepts of life cycles, growth and development, and stability versus mutability, which can be applied to the universals of the human experience. I find it useful to express these themes in juxtaposition with basic, even mundane elements of the natural world in order to highlight their pervasiveness in our lives. By portraying human and natural forms morphing together as they exist parallel to one another, a transfiguration occurs wherein they can be understood as one and the same. Through this work, I highlight the trials, both of nature and of the human experience, an individual must master in order to thrive during their lifetime.



Title: Rock Fries |现在巡回演出

Name:Anna Vogel 安娜·沃格尔

Medium: Digital 数字

Date of Completion: February 10th 2022

Size:11in x 17in

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

As part of a group project, I worked with two other design students to create a brand identity and ad campaign for Roc Fries, a fictitious food truck company based in Rochester, NY. Inspired by rock and punk music, our brand focused on gathering to enjoy good food, loud music, and celebrate the alt community. Our goal was to communicate to the target market that Roc Fries not only sells food, but alsoan experience that brings people together.


作为一个小组项目的一部分,我和另外两个设计学生一起为Roc Fries 创造品牌形象和广告活动,这是一个位于纽约州罗切斯特的虚构的食品卡车公司。受摇滚和朋克音乐的启发,我们的品牌专注于聚集在一起享受美食、喧闹的音乐,并庆祝 alt 区。我们的目标是向目标市场传达,Roc Fries 不仅销售食物,而且提供人们欢聚一堂的体验。

Title: Park Avenue Summer Art Festival |公园大道夏季艺术节

Name:Anna Vogel 安娜·沃格尔

Medium: Digital 数字

Date of Completion: March 2021

Size:11in x 17in

Area of Study: Illustration插画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

This poster is speculative work for Park Avenue's Summer Art Festival in Rochester, NY. If you take a stroll along Park Avenue, one of the things you'll notice is the unique architecture of the houses,which is what became the main feature of the poster.




Title: Webster Park |韦伯斯特公园

Name:Ashley Todd 阿什莉·托德

Medium: Acrylic on canvas board 帆布板,亚克力

Date of Completion: May 2020

Size: 5in x 7in

Area of Study: Plein Air/ traveling painting 外光派画法 / 旅行画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

I really wanted to paint from my perspective on the ground. I also really wanted to get the curve of the path with the bench.




Title: Digital Art |数字艺术

Name:Leah-Maria Gaskin 莉亚·玛丽亚·加斯金

Medium: Digital Art

Date of Completion: Nov 13th 2022

Size: 900KB

Area of Study: Digital Illustration 数字插画

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

This project is a punk/alternative beer can design solution. I wanted to capture a unique feeling of wonder and allow the consumer to enjoy not only the drink but the entire design of the can. Two-thirds of the 1 pint can label space is dedicated to the label imagery and free branding. I imagine this brewery to have an art style and a free-hand type logo.


该项目是朋克 / 另类的啤酒罐的设计解决方案。我想捕捉一种独特的惊奇感,让消费者不仅享受饮料,而且享受整个罐子的设计。1 品脱罐的三分之二标签空间用于标签图像和自由的品牌推广。我想为这个啤酒厂赋予艺术风格的自由手势标志。

Title: Figment |虚假幻觉

Name:Katherina Chance 凯瑟琳·钱斯

Medium: Digital Photography 数字摄影

Date of Completion: 11 / 5 / 2021

Size: 1.5MB

Area of Study: Photography 摄影

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

I was inspired by the soft aesthetic of the rain drops as they fell onto the train window. As they began to fill the surface, a painterly effect was formed abstracting the most magical place in Orlando, FL. I was interested in transforming a place so energetic and magical into a softer, more emotional experience.



Title: The Natural Way |自然的方式

Name:Katherina Chance 凯瑟琳·钱斯

Medium: Digital Photography 数字摄影

Date of Completion: 10 / 3 / 2021

Size:20in x 22in

Area of Study: Photography 摄影

Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):

I was inspired by the streetlights one rainy evening and the radiant glow they projected upon the wet pavement. When capturing this moment the water when mixed with the light formed cell like formations. The natural elements of water and light exposed the biology of nature in an abstract composition.






